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Company Profile

QuantumCTek Co., Ltd.

QuantumCTek Co., Ltd. (stock code: 688027) was established in 2009, mainly engaged in quantum secure communication, security applications, quantum computing and measurement equipment-related business. It is a pioneer, practitioner and leader in China's quantum information industrialization, and the first A-share listed company with quantum technology as its main business.

The company is a leading manufacturer of quantum communication equipment and supplier of quantum security solutions globally. Its products are deployed in the quantum-secured “Beijing-Shanghai Trunk Line” metropolitan area networks, industry access networks, application terminal devices, and other use cases, serving government affairs, finance, power, and other fields.

In the field of quantum computing, the company is involved in the “Zuchongzhi” superconducting quantum computing superiority experiment, which can provide complete solutions for superconducting quantum computing. The quantum computing cloud platform service is now online, with access to the same 176-qubit superconducting quantum computer as “Zuchongzhi” and it is open to the global audience.

As of the end of June 2024, the company had more than 550 authorized patents both domestically and internationally, and has undertaken projects under the Ministry of Science and Technology's 863 Program, various provincial and municipal independent innovation projects, and provincial and municipal major science and technology projects. As a leading force in setting domestic and international standards for quantum technology, QuantumCTek has led/participated in the development of more than 100 domestic and international standards.

Video of Quantum Communication Technology Principle

QuantumCTek Group

Parent Company: QuantumCTek Co., Ltd.

Wholly-owned Subsidiaries: Shandong Institute of Quantum Science and Technology Co., Ltd. 
                      QuantumCTek(Beijing) Co., Ltd.
                      QuantumCTek(Guangdong) Co., Ltd.
                      QuantumCTek(Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
QuantumCTek(Wuhan) Co., Ltd.

Enterprise Qualification
National High-tech Enterprise Production License of Commercial Encryption Products Sales License of Commercial Encryption Products ISO9001 Quality Management System Certificate Maturity Level 4 of the Capability Maturity Model Integration Qualification of Information System Integration and Service
Industry Organization
Member of the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) One of the first members of Quantum-Safe Security Working Group (QSSWG) Sector member of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) President unit of China Information Industry Association Quantum Information Branch Charter member of China Quantum Communication Industry Alliance One of the first members of National Cipher Industry
Standardization Technical Committee
Leader of Quantum Communication Working Group-The
special group of quantum communication and information
technology in China Communication Standardization
Association (CCSA)